Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year & New Opportunities!

New Year-2011! Brand New Beginnings, New Things to do, Places to go, New Friends to meet, Old Friends to reconnect with....the list is endless! It's a blank slate starting January 1st 2011-What will you do with it? What will I do with it?

First and foremost, I want to work on my personal relationship with God and his son Jesus! I don't feel I put enough of my whole self to my personal salvation. Jesus should be my best friend, I mean who else would die for me! So this will be my first and foremost goal of this year!

I want to be present for my grown boys and when I get to spend time with them, enjoy every minute of it. I am so proud of the men they have become!

I want to meet and get to know (really know who they are and what they are about) as many people as possible this year...My business helps me in this as I love visiting with my patients in their home and talking with them about their lives and WOW some of them have lived through some tough times and also have some hilarious stories to tell.

I also bought a juicer and want to continue my quest to live healthier, and stay with my exercise program. And try to convince my family to try juicing also, Did you know we should have 5 handfuls of leafy greens everyday? I ask Johnny, "What vegetables have you had today? His answer, a piece of lettuce on my hamburger." We are going to change that!

These are some of my first goals to work on....So we shall see how it goes! Best of Luck to all of you reaching your dreams and Have a great 2011!

Until next time; Kim

Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Year Approaching! What will it mean in my life?

Eveyone always has new years resolutions! One of mine started in the summer walking 30 minutes a night for 4 nights, now its cold, so I joined the gym and plan on keeping that up. So far I have lost 21 pounds and I am grateful for everyone of them.
But I also have a mission for next year, I feel with raising children, sometimes you lose yourself to take care of them which is not a bad thing at all...Love my boys to death and they are the love of my life, the reason I breathe, and work so hard.
But now I am having thoughts about, WHO AM I REALLY? Not sure how to go about finding this out, but plan on researching things about myself and family and just try to find the real me.
Now I don't think I am fake, by no means..I say what I feel and have no regrets about this. But there are deep questions in my gut about myself and I need to get to the bottom of these questions! So This is my resolution, I will blog about this throughout the year...If anyone has accomplished this task let me know how you did it. I plan on researching ways and doing things to find the real me! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until next time,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ghost Hunt

I promised my face book friends a recap of my ghost hunting adventure at the old hospital. So here goes. In the picture to the left is Patrick Burns (paranormal investigator from Haunting Evidence on True TV) Along with Patrick was Marley, a paranormal investigator. Lorna set up the event (a local psychic) she also brought in David a psychic and Carla a medium. And 15 tickets were sold to the public and lucky me got one. Now when I first arrived David shook my hand and told me my energy was all wrong for investigation and Lorna quickly took out her pendulum and fixed my bad let me add here I felt nothing through this procedure. I felt no better or worse, but if 2 psychics want to align my energy who am I to argue with them.

Now on the first investigation my group went with David. We went to the basement where the morgue and operating room were located. Now David discovered a young girl there who died in the 1920's here while she was pregnant. She was scared to go to the light because she died while she was pregnant from an adulterous relationship. So we gathered in a circle and David talked her to the I know what you are thinking cause I thought the same thing...But if it did work then I figure I did my good deal for the day...I am no psychic so I have no way to validate this story. But while I was there in the basement I took a few photos and when I put them on my computer I found a nurse walking through a hallway just working away. See photo below. You have to look close because she is in front of a white doorway.

Now we head onto the third floor to investigate where patient rooms where located where David picks up on an angry man who wants us to leave the area. So I picked a room and started my recorder and ask some questions hoping to get some answers to my questions...And yes I did.

I said if you want us to leave just say so and later in the week when I was playing back recorder I heard "Leave" from a disembodied voice right after this statement. Very Creepy. I took photos while I was in this room and caught this face in the window. Look under flash and his face starts there.

So now our group heads off with Patrick where they seem to be picking up alot of activity. Marley is shoved down on the gourney ramps very violently. So Patrick has the box that that allows ghost to use to speak through. It has 2000 words and the ghost somehow manipulate it to speak through. So we keep getting the words Emma, 15 suffer death over and over again. Then Patrick asks if bodies are buried on the property and we get several me, me, me. Strange.

Then there is the mysterious butterfly, its sticky and adheres to the wall. It went from one apartment room to another wall in the kitchen in the opposite apartment while we were walking to the other apartment. Someone caught an evp of a little girl laughing when we ask about it moving. At one point my friends were driving by at 11:00 and saw a woman come out of building and they ask her if it was over and she said it was for her she was getting out of there.

Our last evp started at 12:30 and we ask several questions and then an angry spirit told us to get out and go to hell....So we decided to wrap it up on that note.

Now the most talked about photo is one I took before the investigation of the house next door to this building that is also said to be haunted.

There are many faces in this window and people keep finding more every day. Very Creepy!

Now this is not where the story ends. Me and my friend Tracy walk at night about 9ish. The old hospital is on our route. So Monday following investigation we walk by and there are about 6 huge faces glowing on the outside of the building. It was like they were keeping watch for others to come up there. We tried to get pictures but none would show up. We went and got her son kyle and my son beau and Marissa to witness this weird site. As we walked up to the house every street light we walked under went out...Now Kyle was trying to take some photos on the side of the house into a window and the camera kept flashing but would not adjust to take photo and on one of the last flashes Boom there was a man standing inside the room where no one was before...Next flash he was gone...It was just like in horror film...I was waiting for Jason to come up behind me and chop me up...Weird....
Thats all I have for this ghost hunt......Sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Choose!

Everyone has a special priviledge. You get to choose how you spend your life, no matter how short or long it is all up to you!

Do you spend it making memories with those you love and care about? Or do you spend it complaining about those you love and care about?

Do you spend it finding happiness in simple moments like blowing bubbles? Or do you spend it worrying about the things you have collected and how will you keep it all together?

Do you spend it in the moment and seizing the day? Or do you let the weight of tommorrow bring you down?

Do you spend it in hating your enemies? Or do you love your enemies and let all that hate go?

Do you spend it in saying oh well, I never promised you a rose garden? Or do you go out and plant yourself a rose garden?

Let go of the things that bring you down and rob you of your full potential. Grab onto the things that make your life full and happy...God, Family, Friends & Simple Pleasures...

Until next time...You Choose How You Spend Your Life!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Things that irritate me!

Well I woke up this morning and the coffee maker I bought about 6 months ago is dead! So I scrambled around to get ready and off to McDonalds I went to get coffee! So I guess this has me in a somewhat foul mood today, so I decided to ramble off some things that irritate me:

1. Coffee maker broken irritates me.
2. There is this giant porcelain thing in the bathroom to use when you need to urinate, when my boys cannot hit that huge irritates me!
3. When my favorite show Ghost Adventures is a rerun, I am irritated.
4. If I am getting a nap and someone walks in and says hey are you asleep?
5. I let my dog out and wait and wait on him to come back in and then the minute I get comfy on the couch I hear his little claws scratching at the door.
6. Being relaxed on the couch and my cell phone goes off and it is in the kitchen...hate that.
7. The woman on the tampax commercial that shows up with this pretty package that she calls a monthly gift...I dream of killing her.
8. Stepping in used chewing gum....
9. Going to Wal Mart ( which I now have to do to get new coffee pot)
10 Sudoku puzzles
11 Friends on Facebook...but won't speak to you in public.
12 Exploding yogurts...Open and pow it is all over you.
13 Trying to get a coke out of machine and the last coin in your hand keeps coming back out the slot return.
14 When everyone is in the car but me, as I am walking in front of car to passenger side..Johnny honks the horn and it doesn't scare me, It irritates the crap out of me cause I am already late.
15 Last but not least! Going in a public bathroom stall and doing your business and then you realize there is no toilet paper in that stall....

Thanks for letting me vent....I fell less irritated now...


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Simple Things!

The older I get, (and I am getting older quick) the more I realize it is the simple things in life that make me the happiest...

Having my hubby and both my boys at home with me at the same time.
Spending time with family, no matter how short the time is.
Having my yorkie sleeping soundly at my side while I blog.
A text/facebook message from a friend to say hi!
Catching lighting bugs and releasing them.
New hobbies(my new favorite hobby is beading jewelry)
Having true friends in my life who love me for who I am!
Helping others without wanting anything in return.
Cooking for my family.
A walk with my hubby Johnny!
Homemade ice-cream!

All of these things bring me peace and joy, I feel this peace because of God in my life! As long as I look to God for all things everything will always fall into place...God has a plan for me and no matter how I try to change it, his will shall be done! So Relax God is in control and he wants us to have peace and joy...

Until next time:

Live Happy


Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I plan to do while I am in St. Augustine!

Oh so many things I want to do on this trip! First is the twelve hour drive with my family which I happen to enjoy. When you are in a car for twelve hours alot of interesting talk comes along with that. Both boys are wanting to drive some also so I should take along extra nerve pills for that. Then when we arrive there are so many things I want to do! My favorite is to stand on the beach and as the waves come in feel it pull the sand out from under my feet. I want to go to the lighthouse and look out over the railing. I am going to St. George Street and wonder in and out of the stores, no traffic is allowed on this street and it is all cobblestone. I want to visit the old cemetery in town at night and try to get some voices on a digital recorder, I am fascinated with that kind of stuff...
Beau wants to go to Harry's and eat! It is right downtown across from the bay and claims to be very haunted. They say there is a woman there who runs women out of the upstairs bathroom, me and gretchen tried to provoke her once but got nothing. But I will try again this time.
Johnny and Alex want to go to Osteens to eat shrimp, yum its good. Always a long wait but right across are antique shops I can browse while they wait.
Anstasia Island is my favorite place in St Augustine, you have to access it from a drawbridge...very cool. We will go by and check out our old home we used to live in while we were there.
The best part will be connecting with old friends and getting to see their kids and how they have grown since we been gone.

Well I will take lots of photos and share them with you when I get back after Memorial Day and let you know If I have any ghostly sightings.....


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today is Important

What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it! I suggest we find ways to do good each day. When this day is gone it is in the books, lost forever unless we do good to others then that day will be remembered by those we did good for.

I have a few ideas to add good deeds to our everyday life.

1. A friendly smile and a sincere hello goes along way.
2. A card or call just to let someone know you are thinking of them brings great joy.
3. Donate some time to a charity.
4. Take time to listen to someone who needs to talk.
5. Give friends a true and sincere compliment, something you truly admire about them.
6. Don't be quick to judge others, we don't know what others are going through.
7. Hold the door open for someone, I always love when someone does it for me it makes me feel
8. Pray for someone who is going through a tough situation.

I would love to hear your ideas on this subject.

Until next time, enjoy the weather, play in the rain, tell everyone you love that you love them and live fully.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Words of Encouragement!

Everyone needs an instant cheer you up kind of saying, a mantra! A piece of wisdom you can use when you are feeling down. Here are a few of my favorite:

It is never to late to be what we might have been. George Eliot

In the end it is not the years in your life, its the life in your years! Abraham Lincoln

Friendship doubles joys and halves grief! Unknown

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or heard, but must be felt with the heart...Helen Keller

Experience is the name we give our mistakes...Oscar Wilde

This too, shall pass...Unknown

If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all....Anna Quindlen

So if you need a pick me up, feel free to use one of these as your mantra! If you have one, feel free to leave it to me in my comments!

Have a great spring day!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring is Here!

Aww! Sweet Spring! Flowers starting to bloom, birds singing and people are just generally in a better mood! I hung some bird feeders and have a whole family of red birds visiting my deck each day! They are really beautiful to watch. The hummingbird feeders are up but no takers yet, but I know they are on their way!
Me & hubby been trying to walk at night and seen 2 full moons this week and last night a sight to behold just stars galore! What a great God we have to create all this for us to enjoy!
The best is yet to come...Thunderstorms!!!!!!!!!!I love them and am fascinated by their power and beauty. Yes Spring has Sprung! So kick off those shoes and run barefoot through the grass and plant as many flowers as you can and enjoy them all summer long with your family and friends around the grill and hanging out!!!!!!!!!!! Until next time!!! Enjoy!

Friday, March 5, 2010


I chose the word believe for my left wrist tattoo! Why? Cause I believe in many things.

I believe in God.

I believe in my family and friends and I believe they believe in me.

I believe in true love.

I believe that all humans have good qualities if you look close enough.

I believe in Karma.

I believe that good deeds will return ten fold.

I believe old friends are the best friends.

I believe that you can't blame others or events for things that you do.

I believe in ghosts.

I believe the smallest gestures makes me the happiest.

I may add more to this list later...

What do you believe in?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting a new tattoo tomorrow

I am getting this tattoo tomorrow! I am excited about it, I am thinking smaller and turquoise. I absolutely loved it when I saw it. I have one a butterfly on my toe...very painful place to get one but I loved it also. So wish me luck... I will post a picture of it soon.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Being in the Moment!

I have realized that alot of times I am not in the moments that are all around me. I have alot going on in my head with my new business and beau's graduation coming up! Living in the moment to me means living like there is no tomorrow, which there might not be! To find beauty and joy in whatever task or scene is before you.

Now I do realize this will take some practice since I am a type A (basically a control freak) personality. So I am going to try and slow down and savor the moments! I want to give full attention to what I am doing and let go of the outcomes. This doesn't mean I am giving up on goals that I have set for myself, I just will enjoy the journey of getting to those goals.

To make every moment count I must embrace it! Everything I do and everyone I come in contact with deserves my full attention! Living in the moment means letting go of the past and embrace the present.

So to all my friends! Carpe diem!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ten of my Guilty Pleasures

1. Plain M & M's
2. McDonalds Coffee
3. Massages
4. Pedicures
5. Photography
6. Browsing Goodwill Stores
7. Bookstores
8. Changing Hair Color Regularly
9. Ghost Hunting Shows (probably more of an addiction than a pleasure)
10. Facebook

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Don't Take Life To Serious, No One Gets Out Alive!

I try my best not to rush through life and miss the beauty of simple things.
But try as I may sometimes I know we all do. I suggest we take time to watch a baby sleep, play with a puppy outside, find joy in talking to teens and see what they are interested in. Let friends talk and really listen to their conversations, Comfort the grieving, and send a card to those who are sick. Get out where you live and find the beauty that surrounds us all wherever we are. Plan a trip with family or friends and then truly take the time to enjoy every moment of it! Document your life with photos and videos then when we get down we can look through them and see the joy that surrounds us.
Just remember: Don't take Life to Seriously, No One Gets Out Alive!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Worry will rob your soul

I feel sorry for people who worry all the time, about every little thing...for what, it won't change a thing. Now I know there are times worry is unavoidable, but not over everything.

I read a friends post the other day on facebook it said "Don't take life so seriously, nobody is going to make it out alive." I think we forget that this life is temporary.

If we would remember this life would be so much more joyous!

We should remember that success doesn't come without failures! So if you are on top of the mountain of success...Move over a bit, I am coming but I am going to do some sightseeing while I climb.....With no worries!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Challenge!

Beau is done with football so being the concerned mother I am I decided he needed something to do, so I hired him at Advanced Home Medical. I was a little concerned how this would all work out, well I am mom and now I am also his boss. But we have a great relationship and it is working out so good. I have trained others before at other places I have worked and I have to say that Beau is really catching on quick! He comes in and cleans returned equipment for me and he is training to go out in the field and service oxygen patients in their home. He is learning to set up hospital beds and other equipment.

Oh and I love when he comes into the office in the afternoon and says hey mom, What's up for the day.....I will take all the time with him I can get before he is off to college....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I stood in the breeze today and as I stood there I thought the wind is like God, you can't see him but you can feel him if you take a moment to connect.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Playstation 3-Maybe not a good idea!

We got Beau a playstation 3 for Christmas with Modern Warfare...Now if you are not familar with this let me fill you in, you play online against other players. It is neat he plays with his friends and you can hear them talking to one another.

Now here is the problem-Johnny is addicted to this game! He plays for 2 hours and comes out and says I hate that game! Really, Are you sure about that? One night a group of youngsters told him he sucked at this game and threw him out of the game...This is too funny!

But this is my dilema, Beau is leaving in 8 months and he will take his playstation with him. So now I have to save my money to buy another playstation for Johnny. Oh well it keeps him entertained so I will get him one...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tragedy in Haiti

Praying today for all the victims of Haiti earthquake. A friend of ours does mission work there and was just there last year during the summer. There is a lady there from Henderson TN doing great work in the Church of Christ. She runs a home for children who need a place to stay.
Her resources already limited so I am very concerned for her. One of the boys from Haiti got to come to Horizons a couple years back and Beau met him there. I know that God is watching over them all and hope to hear something soon from Tristan, who is the one in contact with them. So for now I will keep praying for them all.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Always New Things to Learn About Others

My oldest son Alex was our speaker for our winter youth series tonight, and I was blown away with his talent as a speaker. I have heard him speak before, but tonight he just was in control of the situation. He was funny, but also got his point across in a good way for youth. I guess a year and a half away from home he has grown in ways I didn't realize. This makes me very proud of him, although I really didn't need a reason to be proud of him. I guess we are always learning about one another as we go along, even those we thought we knew everything about.

Good job Alex!

Love Mom

Friday, January 8, 2010

My first time to blog

Weird to think someone would care what I think about. But I think this blogging will be a great outlet for my journey that lies ahead. See in 8 months me and johnny will become empty nesters, this scares me a little. In 20 years we have had no alone time other than maybe the boys spending the night with friends. In the last 7 years my home has been graced by all their friends coming and going, my life filled with teenage drama that sometimes I would pray to be over and now it is swiftly coming to an end. How many times have they called to me mama I need......................the list is endless. And now they will both be out and on their own, WOW!
Alex left about a year and half ago which was very hard, but we still had Beau to guide through high school, which let me tell you was no easy task.

Now I need to find ways to deal with this empty nest situation. I am thinking maybe motorcycles to get out and explore on, Although I would never let the boys have one when they asked...oh well I will deal with that later.

What if Johnny decides to have a naked room like on failure to launch. How weird! well I can't see that happening, he would still wear his boots even in a naked

Well I have 8 months to figure all this out so back to work for now